Many are suffering with what you term Ascension sickness, their joints aching or their mood low as well as other ailments. There is nothing to be feared for it is the result of energy realignment and will pass. There is a need for rest to allow the new energies that are coming into your planet to settle within your energy systems. At times you may feel overloaded with these new energies. It is important to connect with Mother Earth at these times so that the excess energies may be sent down to her for earth healing. It is all part of the process that is taking place at the moment. There are many Angels, Archangels and other light beings close to the earth at this time. They have come to assist, so call on them for help to adjust to the new energies. Do not fight these new energies for it will make the integration of them harder for you. Rather surrender to them and trust that all is well. The discomfort will pass and you will feel your energies changing. There is a lot of clearing going on, on many different levels. Do not be surprised to see something you thought you had healed rise to the surface again. It is because it is being healed on another level.
Healing takes place on many levels as it is not just your earthly bodies and minds that need healing but your light body as well. Many of you have carried through behaviour, thought and emotional patterns from life to life. These too need to be cleared. As you ask the angelic realm to assist you with this process you will become aware of a new sense of balance and harmony surrounding you.