Saturday, 23 June 2012

A Message from Metatron

I am Metatron and it is with great joy that we in the angelic realm see so many light workers connecting with each other around the world and working together in light and for light. 
Many are suffering with what you term Ascension sickness, their joints aching or their mood low as well as other ailments. There is nothing to be feared for it is the result of energy realignment and will pass. There is a need for rest to allow the new energies that are coming into your planet to settle within your energy systems. At times you may feel overloaded with these new energies. It is important to connect with Mother Earth at these times so that the excess energies may be sent down to her for earth healing. It is all part of the process that is taking place at the moment. There are many Angels, Archangels and other light beings close to the earth at this time. They have come to assist, so call on them for help to adjust to the new energies. Do not fight these new energies for it will make the integration of them harder for you. Rather surrender to them and trust that all is well. The discomfort will pass and you will feel your energies changing. There is a lot of clearing going on, on many different levels. Do not be surprised to see something you thought you had healed rise to the surface again. It is because it is being healed on another level. 
Healing takes place on many levels as it is not just your earthly bodies and minds that need healing but your light body as well. Many of you have carried through behaviour, thought and emotional patterns from life to life. These too need to be cleared. As you ask the angelic realm to assist you with this process you will become aware of a new sense of balance and harmony surrounding you.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Ascension's First Initiation

After awakening, we found ourselves looking for activities that best suit us, name it... dancing, singing, writing, healing etc and really living in the moment. We begun seeing things at higher perspectives and felt like we can do and be anything we want...and we quit our jobs, waiting for something grand to happen or something magnificent to fall from the sky and suddenly realizing that it is our hearts that are guiding us to our destinies.

We finally begun to flow with the movements of energies around us, realizing that we are made up of energies. But the Creator didn't promise us that everything will be smooth. As the law says, as above, so below... we are being directed to people, places or things that are of low frequencies/vibration. Surrounded with circumstances that we never knew existed within our being. This is the time of great clearing wherein all the past thoughts that we had for ourselves manifested in our outside world. A time wherein we have to stand in our own truth even if we are surrounded by chaos. We have a choice to choose between standing on our truth or be swayed away by the negativities around us. We are being called to step up in the midst of chaos and send love, light and healing to the people, places and things that we encounter along the way and stand in our light. We are also given a choice to fulfill what we have come here to do or remain in a 3D consciousness. Those who are still sleeping would probably have a different perception of you but know that this is just an illusion and know that the TRUTH is within you and you have to stand up for it. This is one of the first challenges that we encounter in this path and know that this will pass. In order for us to carry and shine the light, we also have to acknowledge the dark. 

Monday, 4 June 2012

The Law of Attraction

Awakening- a term that is getting more and more famous these days. People are waking up to their true soul essences, realizing that we are our own Gods, that we have this power within us to create anything that we desire. A lot has been written about how to manifest our desires, learning how to use the law of attraction and they all come out in simple formula and that is to - "just be"... Ralph Waldo Emerson said "once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen". And this is true Dear Ones, once we tell our hearts about what we want and focus on achieving those goals with pure FAITH and TRUST that it will be given to us, it will be. A lot of times we want to achieve things that we think unachievable because at the back of our minds we doubt our own power to create what we desire in our minds. Once we think that we cannot achieve our dreams, nothing will happen. The universe is vast and everything is already laid out in front of us, just waiting to be explored and waiting to be called upon. When we say, "universe, I need a job!" know with all your heart and feel with all your being the reality that you already have it, it will be given to you in no time. Another essential aspect in manifesting your dreams is to not have any negativity enter your thoughts. Negative thoughts hinder the flow of abundance that is supposedly flowing within and without you. If we can shift our minds on appreciating everything around us, the universe will give us more to appreciate. Remember that what we create in our minds is our own reality whether it's positive or negative. Just choose. 

Source: via Mary on Pinterest