Friday 20 April 2012

Dancing With the Higher Realm

I was guided to write this post, not just for myself but also to lift your spirits up at this very important time in the history of mankind. As you all know Gaia is shifting and we are all affected by this shift whether we like it or not and it's very very important to have faith in ourselves and to stay positive because this is the time that thoughts happen very very quickly. There were a lot of issues that need to settle down at the beginning of this year and it was a dilemma to me on how to stay positive. I meet and interact with a lot of people at work and dealing with them can sometimes be draining especially handling complaints. After my awakening, so many things came up to me and one of the techniques that I discovered in shifting your mood is this:
Imagine a HUGE garden in your mind, with waterfalls and all that, or you can create a setting similar from the movie "AVATAR". Put everything that you want in there, invite everyone, including your family, friends even your enemies and all the people that you encounter (depending on your preference).
With me I imagine a garden with waterfalls, crystals, diamonds, a sky raining with gold dusts and I invite all the Ascended Masters that I know, the elementals, angels and archangels, and of course, the animals. (Don't get me wrong I am not a religious person, being religious is the exact opposite of being spiritual and I consider myself the latter). Just so you know, these beings are always with us especially the angels, just that they do not interfere in our lives if we do not call upon them because they respect our own freewill but calling them would surely expedite all the things that we want to manifest in our lives and would change the way we see outside in a more positive way.
And mind you, they love MUSIC and DANCE!!! I imagine Jesus Christ in his usual white robe dancing to the tune of "Low Low Low", Archangel Michael wearing a gladiator costume with his blue sword dancing to the tune of "Party Rock", Shiva dancing a Shakira tune and of course Lord Maitraya (laughing buddha) doing a belly dance. This scene makes me giggle and sometimes makes me laugh to myself making me worry-free and makes me feel younger. Aside from this, I also put in the scene my whole family or anyone around me, including the beggar that I encounter or anyone that comes my vicinity. This scene makes me feel like I am watching a bollywood movie in my head..hehehe. Sometimes my colleagues would wonder why I am smiling alone, to me it doesn't matter what other people think as long as I am happy and grateful for this wonderful journey. I hope I touched even a single soul with this message. Please know that we are all responsible for our own choices of life that we create. Choose JOY, LOVE, PEACE, HEALTH and ABUNDANCE.
My deep gratitude to BDevine (you are my mentor), Cassandra (my sister), Dr. Hicks and many others who cross my path.
~Much Love~


  1. That is a very interesting way of dealing with negative people. I have found that if one is able to stay heart-centered. then its hard for the energy of negative people to penetrate the auric field. The problem is that I haven't figured out how to stay heart-centered all the time.

    1. Hi Marcus! We are all into this but this technique works for me, another one is to just be an observer. We are still human so we are still affected by our 3D reality but the good thing is we are conscious thinkers. Hope this helps. Namaste <3


Source: via Mary on Pinterest