Monday, 19 November 2012
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Dance as ONE
I couldn't help but re-post this video after seeing it from a friend's blog. This is just one of my dreams...to be able to dance with people from all over the world.. dancing as one..united as one. Feel love, feel joy, feel awesome!
Music ignites our soul, fades our worries and warms our hearts. BE ONE.
Music ignites our soul, fades our worries and warms our hearts. BE ONE.
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Making Fun
Last night I was sizzling with fever at 39 degrees Celsius and I was trying to invoke the violet flame to heal me but I couldn't picture in my mind the exact color (because I wanted it to be so deep violet). What came in my meditation was a deep violet eggplant flowing down on me and bumped into my head ;-) The funny thing is my pineal gland expanded and I saw Archangel Michael eating an apple, which I always like to eat, King Solomon with dolphin telling me about the violet flame and his experience and funny thing is I also saw Abraham Lincoln smoking mint on his pipe and when I asked him why it's not tobacco he answered me "it's outdated". Looking back in my childhood when everybody busy thinking about what to have on lunch, I was studying. When I arrive from school when everybody wants to play I read newspaper and explore the world page. When my cousins were talking about other people before going to sleep I was sleeping. When everybody at school was having fun, socializing, I was in the library reading J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and so on. When I started awakening, I was able to access Napoleon's Hill consciousness but I wasn't aware that time that he was controversial and I didn't know about him. Several days ago, a friend introduced me to his book, Think and Grow Rich and I was astonished to find out that I had in my vision the same board panel with some leaders with me discussing something!
Everything was coming back in my memory in this third dimensional reality what we have been and probably what we will be. When I was having fever and I couldn't sleep properly, my joints were painful and my bed was hard and I started thinking what is the message here? I was thinking of the homeless people under the bridge, how it felt to lay on a hard material without a proper blanket to keep them warm. Though my body is still painful, I got the message, the message of oneness, the message of love. Just accept and acknowledge what comes and it will be easier. A message for the day ;-)
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/4/12 ‘Prepare Yourselves for What Awaits’
Look inside yourselves and you will see a wealth of growth in so many areas that you have planned out for yourselves before you stepped out into this journey that is now winding up for many of you. It has been many long years and many long lifetimes for some of you since you have taken a breath of air that was not encapsulated by your current home. You will be stepping out of this eggshell you call Earth very shortly, to begin taking your first breaths of true freedom here where it has always been that you were heading no matter which temporary course or heading you set for yourself, as the winds that were steering your ship were to finally deliver you to our port one day, it was inevitable, it was always promised, it was always guaranteed, and now that day is finally arriving for you.
Do you feel it? Do you sense it with senses you have rarely used here in this 3rd dimensional world? Are you sensing it now with your intuition? Do you feel now that it is so close? It is so very close and we, from our side, can almost reach out and touch you physically right now, that is how close many of you have come. Nothing can or will stop you now. The game just has to be played out a little while longer, that is all. It is merely a matter of time now as all the cards have been dealt and we of the light, of love hold the winning hand.
Looking back at so much of what you have gone through to reach this point, it is so incredible that you are here at this point. So much has happened to and for you, so many tales that could fill volumes of novels on library shelves. Your stories could be recited to others for literally centuries of time, as one tale and then another could seamlessly sow together a tapestry of adventure, of passion and suspense, mystery, triumph, conquest and survival. Your stories could fill libraries so great each would be named just for you. Look at everything that you have experienced here in this lifetime as a tale to add to your ever expanding novel of adventure. Do not allow any of your past experiences either here in this lifetime or experiences you may soon remember from any of your previous lifetimes to hurt you or cause you any further emotional pain or anguish, for these experiences in many cases were carefully designed and played out for you, for this is what you wanted, this is what you asked for, because this is what you needed to reach the point where you stand today.
Do you understand this dear ones, that there is nothing that you have suffered through here in this lifetime that was not a manifestation of your creation in somehow and in some way? You have created all of this. You have carefully outlined so much of what you have experienced that to look back in indignation, regret or shame at some of the things you have experienced makes little and no sense whatsoever, as you put all this together. You designed it, you created it, you pushed the buttons to manifest it and experience it, and to now look back with some kind of regret at your creation, a creation that you designed to further your growth and advancement is a complete waste and misuse of your energy and your focus today. We hope many of you can begin to see your past experiences in this new light, for this is the light that shines upon them and no other.
Journeys such as this are rare in this universe, and being able to take part in this has been an absolute blessing for all of you, as your advancement has increased many times what it would have been without you coming here to, in many cases, suffer through the lessons of this rather harsh reality. There have been many experiences for you, some joyous, some painful, some disappointing, but in the end all will be a triumph, and that is the one thing and the one thing only you may wish to take home with you.
Carry on through each and every day knowing that you have triumphed over all and everything you have designed for yourself to challenge you. Think instead of all the hardship and struggle you have endured as obstacles that you have set up for yourself and have successfully cleared from your path. Do not think of these experiences as painful memories stored within your memory banks, but instead picture them as precious gemstones that fill the treasure chest of your life, for that is what they indeed are, treasures, keepsakes, mementos for you to cherish, for without these precious gems you could not have become the powerful, wise and experienced being you are today who stands now at the foot of the doorway through what awaits is true freedom and every dream you had never had.
Building bridges are what we have talked about with you and we'd like to take this time to discuss with you where it is the bridge you are building leads. It leads to us. It leads to our front door. The bridge you are building transcends dimensions, it transcends time, it transcends your current reality. This bridge you are building is much more than metaphor, as you are literally constructing a means for you to exit this reality and enter a new reality. Do you understand this? Do you understand that you will be crossing over, if you will, into a new world, a new universe from your point of view, as everything you have come to know as your one true reality will be left behind and you will begin an entirely new adventure with new rules, friends, homes, careers and so many new and thoroughly rewarding things to spend your time on.
We hope to see you all as prepared as you can be for this step across this bridge, and it is very important for you to understand just how monumental this step will be for you. It has been and continues to be one of our most important tasks to prepare you as much as we can for this shift in your perspective, in your world, in your reality, for this step cannot be taken lightly, it cannot be overlooked, it cannot be disrespected, as this advancement in your evolution commands your attention, your focus, your drive, your determination and your respect, for this step is a great leap for you and it is very important you do whatever it is you must do to adequately prepare yourselves for this experience.
This is all we have for you today dear ones, and we hope that you follow our suggestion and think about what it is that awaits you just up ahead, as what awaits cannot be taken lightly, and it is strongly advised that you take this very seriously and ground yourselves as firmly as you can to prepare yourselves for what awaits just beyond the door you stand before today.
We are your friends and your family waiting here on our side of the door. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles
The Discerning Angel: “…and the Pursuit of Happiness” – A Message from A...
The Discerning Angel: “…and the Pursuit of Happiness” – A Message from A...: [Before you begin reading, Michael wanted me to be sure and request that you listen to the accompanying YouTube “video” on this post wh...
Friday, 3 August 2012
MESSAGES FROM THE REALMS OF LIGHT: MESSAGE FROM OUR GOD-SELF: GROWING UP TO THE NATUR...: Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright © 2012 Beloveds, It is time for all to understand, that the era of Separation in Consciousn...
Saturday, 23 June 2012
A Message from Metatron

Many are suffering with what you term Ascension sickness, their joints aching or their mood low as well as other ailments. There is nothing to be feared for it is the result of energy realignment and will pass. There is a need for rest to allow the new energies that are coming into your planet to settle within your energy systems. At times you may feel overloaded with these new energies. It is important to connect with Mother Earth at these times so that the excess energies may be sent down to her for earth healing. It is all part of the process that is taking place at the moment. There are many Angels, Archangels and other light beings close to the earth at this time. They have come to assist, so call on them for help to adjust to the new energies. Do not fight these new energies for it will make the integration of them harder for you. Rather surrender to them and trust that all is well. The discomfort will pass and you will feel your energies changing. There is a lot of clearing going on, on many different levels. Do not be surprised to see something you thought you had healed rise to the surface again. It is because it is being healed on another level.
Healing takes place on many levels as it is not just your earthly bodies and minds that need healing but your light body as well. Many of you have carried through behaviour, thought and emotional patterns from life to life. These too need to be cleared. As you ask the angelic realm to assist you with this process you will become aware of a new sense of balance and harmony surrounding you.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Ascension's First Initiation
After awakening, we found ourselves looking for activities that best suit us, name it... dancing, singing, writing, healing etc and really living in the moment. We begun seeing things at higher perspectives and felt like we can do and be anything we want...and we quit our jobs, waiting for something grand to happen or something magnificent to fall from the sky and suddenly realizing that it is our hearts that are guiding us to our destinies.
We finally begun to flow with the movements of energies around us, realizing that we are made up of energies. But the Creator didn't promise us that everything will be smooth. As the law says, as above, so below... we are being directed to people, places or things that are of low frequencies/vibration. Surrounded with circumstances that we never knew existed within our being. This is the time of great clearing wherein all the past thoughts that we had for ourselves manifested in our outside world. A time wherein we have to stand in our own truth even if we are surrounded by chaos. We have a choice to choose between standing on our truth or be swayed away by the negativities around us. We are being called to step up in the midst of chaos and send love, light and healing to the people, places and things that we encounter along the way and stand in our light. We are also given a choice to fulfill what we have come here to do or remain in a 3D consciousness. Those who are still sleeping would probably have a different perception of you but know that this is just an illusion and know that the TRUTH is within you and you have to stand up for it. This is one of the first challenges that we encounter in this path and know that this will pass. In order for us to carry and shine the light, we also have to acknowledge the dark.
Monday, 4 June 2012
The Law of Attraction
Awakening- a term that is getting more and more famous these days. People are waking up to their true soul essences, realizing that we are our own Gods, that we have this power within us to create anything that we desire. A lot has been written about how to manifest our desires, learning how to use the law of attraction and they all come out in simple formula and that is to - "just be"... Ralph Waldo Emerson said "once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen". And this is true Dear Ones, once we tell our hearts about what we want and focus on achieving those goals with pure FAITH and TRUST that it will be given to us, it will be. A lot of times we want to achieve things that we think unachievable because at the back of our minds we doubt our own power to create what we desire in our minds. Once we think that we cannot achieve our dreams, nothing will happen. The universe is vast and everything is already laid out in front of us, just waiting to be explored and waiting to be called upon. When we say, "universe, I need a job!" know with all your heart and feel with all your being the reality that you already have it, it will be given to you in no time. Another essential aspect in manifesting your dreams is to not have any negativity enter your thoughts. Negative thoughts hinder the flow of abundance that is supposedly flowing within and without you. If we can shift our minds on appreciating everything around us, the universe will give us more to appreciate. Remember that what we create in our minds is our own reality whether it's positive or negative. Just choose.
Monday, 21 May 2012
Ascension Symptoms
September 2011 when I started changing my thought patterns about how I should be treated and everything around me changed. This was the start of my awakening. I was bombarded with informations about who I really am, found peace within me, magnified my skills and did things that I never knew I could. I have changed my likes and dislikes, gave up meat, chose my favorite color, activities and took heed of how my body feels. This was the time that I had an amazing manifestation skills, like everything and anything was possible. Whatever I thought and wanted just popped up without me doing anything, I was living in a fifth dimensional reality. The succeeding 4 months have been fantastic and amazing and I felt like I don't have a body anymore because of the lightness that I was feeling inside. During this process, many body changes occurred like the eyes got clearer, I started to feel the energies around me and tend to think in a different perspective that I never thought of when I was still sleeping. People, things and places that used to be so familiar just left me and changed. I also begun to appreciate the things around me, like the moon, the sun, flowers and anything that mother earth gave us in the first place which I haven't noticed before. As the days passed, I have always gotten the messages that I needed to know either I read them or hear from other people. In March until April of 2012, I was agressive like a speed of light, wanting to do everything at the same time, and also images of memories of which star system I came from flashes back and forth with increased spiritual powers. Then came May, a month that makes me feel like I am living in the third dimension again. Emotions, decision uncertainties, 3D realities issues and past lives memories are coming back with increased speed! This is the time that we are encouraged to look past our past and to resolve the same issues differently. The body tend to be in a low density. With the new moon and solar eclipse, this month is a powerful one. After a week of heaviness, came the alignment of the earth, moon, sun and the Pleiades with which I had an energy cleansing from the Sirians and the Pleiadeans. It is an important time to heal your body with water because solar flames are getting stronger and stronger. Like what Archangel Michael said, "We haven't seen anything yet", but we only have to expect the best to come. Embrace who you really are and anchor your light wherever you might be. Namaste.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
When Love is Freedom
Many people still don't realize that we were made with a twin and that twin soul comes when we are ready and whole within ourselves… so many heartaches, hardships and struggles within relationships have been written about love in the history of mankind but people still do not wake up to the truth of LOVE THAT COMES FROM FREEDOM. Freedom in a sense that you do not need somebody else to make you happy because you feel happy within. Freedom in a sense that you are free to do what you want even with a partner around. A kind of love with trust within and without. A kind of love that is non- judgmental, non- prejudice and non-jealous. A kind of love that do not have religion, knowing that love is the only real thing. When are we going to wake up and stop fixing marriages between two people who do not even know each other? When are we going to give them the freedom to let their hearts choose whom to love? Do we want to marry the wrong person just because our parents wanted them for us? Just a thought.
Friday, 4 May 2012
More Winning Tickets
There are a lot of system-generated lottery guidelines on the internet but most of them has no winning proofs that were recorded. What makes this chart different from the rest is you can actually trace the winning numbers yourself manually and notice that they create patterns. Here are more winning tickets that were previously won by Robsenn and his friend using the chart. I will leave the judgment on you. Please note that comments and feedbacks are highly appreciated. I am positive that many will be skeptical and many would neglect the idea of winning the lottery but let's face it, we are still in the third dimensional world and money is one of the basic necessities to have an exchange of energies. Here are more of the winning tickets that I wanted to show you. If you haven't read the previous blog or how the 4D winnings began, here is the link:
Draw: Malaysia 4D Toto
Date: 18 Dec 2010
Winning numbers: 4419
Prizes: First Prize- MYR 11,000
iBET- MYR 9,000
Draw: 4D Singapore
Date: 01 Jan 2011
Winning numbers: 2633
Prizes: First Prize- S$7,000
Draw: 4D Singapore
Date: 30 Jan 2011
Winning numbers: 1366
Prizes: Second Prize- S$5,500
Draw: 4D Singapore
Date: 09 Oct 2011
Winning number: 0303
Prizes: First Prize- S$5,500
iBET- S$1,500
Draw: 4D Singapore
Date: 29 Apr 2012
Winning numbers: 9313
Prize: Consolation prize
Draw: Malaysia 4D Toto
Date: 02 May 2012
Winning numbers: 2989
Prizes: Third Prize- S$416
Draw: Toto Singapore
Date: 03 May 2012
Winning numbers: 3-9-13-39
Prize: S$30
To use the chart, the first two numbers must be tracked and use 8 directions to track the next two numbers to form the winning numbers. This is what we are going to share with you.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Have you ever asked, what is your percentage of winning the lottery? Why do other people win and you don't? Is it possible to win as much as you want? How can you track the winning numbers? Are they really traceable? Well I might give answers to those questions.
Imagine the world where more and more people are winning the lottery, a chance to win every week, reduce the risk of loosing and increase your chances of winning. There would be no fear of getting hungry, no fear of how your bills are gonna get paid, where there is only a flow of abundance and prosperity. I introduce to you Robsenn and his geometric chart wherein you can follow the flow and the frequency of the winning numbers. I met him in a meditation class and shared with me his winning tickets and how we was able to win numerous times. While I was doing my own thing, I was thinking, why not share his knowledge with as many people as possible? My vision expanded into magnificent flow of abundance within and without me. And it is our joint mission to help you with your financial problems and expect more abundance to come because we all deserve to live our lives to the fullest.
To fully support the effectiveness of this chart, here are the winning tickets that he was able to take photos before he could claim his prizes. I arranged them according to dates in ascending manner. Note that all these winning numbers were drawn in Singapore and Malaysia. If you would like to confirm the winning numbers, just log on to the corresponding websites that gives the results accordingly.
Draw: Malaysia 4D Toto
Date: 24-Jan-12
Winning Numbers:7782
Prizes: First Prize-MYR 11,000
iBET First Prize- MYR916
Draw: 4D Singapore Date: 28-Jan-12 Winning numbers: 4418 Prize: First Prize- S$5,000 Draw: 4D Singapore Date: 29-Feb-12 Winning numbers: 2996 Prize: Second Prize-S$1000 |
On this draw, he actually bought the numbers 5517 on the 18th of April as shown in this picture but it came out on the 22nd letting him win an iBET prize of S$60.
Another missed numbers were in this photo below wherein he bought the numbers 1165 on the 11th, 22nd and 25th of February this year but the numbers came out on MArch 4th as first prize.
What we are saying is that we reduce the risk of loosing and increase the chances of your winnings. If you are interested to attend a workshop on how to trace the winning numbers using the geometric chart, please send me an e-mail and we will conduct a class for you. We will be conducting it here in Singapore for now and the chart will be available online depending on the numbers of your response.
Monday, 23 April 2012
We Cry
We Cry,
May it be for joy or pain,
We cry,
May it be for celebration or just plain reaction,
We Cry,
May it be for sadness or rejoice!,
People help, build or move you in any area that you are into,
But it's true, they were placed there to guide and teach you,
It's true, they were placed around you to protect and love you,
It's true, they were placed to heal and praise you,
Never regret, never blame, everything is placed for a higher purpose,
Never fear, never hate, just let go and surrender.
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Meeting with our Pleiadian Family
I joined a meditation session with The Starlight University crew under a tree in an uphill side of Botanic Gardens here in Singapore. We formed a circle and gathered all our crystals in the middle. We listened to Judy Satori's activation meditation music. On a meditative state, I saw my unicorn and it let me ride on his back, we flew through space and time and in another dimension there were Lord Sananda smiling at me together with many light beings and Archangels with him. I felt home and loved while they were just smiling at me. When we opened our eyes, there was Archangel Michael hovering above us and he said that if we wish to ascend as angels again, just ask and it is done. He also cut the chords that connect us to our karmic past lives. There were snipping around us and we could feel his protective energy within and without us. Before the end of our session, we asked for the presence of our Pleiadian family and they came. Our host chanelled the presence of our Pleiadian mother whose name is Asheteya. She held us with so much love and pure energy, reminding us that we are so loved, guided, supported and that will do everything they can to assist us with our ascension path. We were also given three Pleiadians each to be our guides. As we were going home, we saw a rainbow and a light ship on the area, a confirmation that they were really there. Know in your hearts and in the very core of your beings that you are not alone and you are very loved, now and eternity. Namaste.
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Geometry and Lottery
I have been practicing spiritual work since the start of my awakening and have met people with the same wavelength as mine. One day, I decided to go for a "Meet your Guardian Angel" meditation. This was the day that I met Robsenn. He is very keen to meet his angel for the intention of opening his third eye so he can see numbers to win lottery. This made me curious. He asked for my date of birth and did some calculations and asked me to buy the numbers 2527 and he said that my lucky number this year is 7. Me and my newly found friends bought the numbers on that same day, the 24th of March, unfortunately it didn't come up. But on the next day, the 25th of March (which by the way when you sum up 2+5=7) the numbers 2527 came up on the first prize! He explained to me that winning numbers can be traced and they create patterns. I got curious when he told me that and asked him to show me his chart. I was astonished when I recognized the pattern…it's the pattern of sacred geometry! So, this is how it all begins….
I did a little interview with him and he happily answered.
Who is Robsenn?
A down-to-earth local Singaporean, lottery enthusiast since very early days, someone who believes in the spirit world and how we are all connected. A fan of numbers and numerology.
How did you come up with your pattern?
I discovered this gift through divine intervention and 9 years of intensive research. This is a 4D geometric chart, it tracks the winning numbers to your advantage. This chart increases the chances and reduces the odds. It works through interpretation, analysis and observation of the flow of the number patterns. I've been using this chart regularly since March this year and perfected-proven winning method that all numbers can be traced and tracked to our advantage. Bear in mind that all 4D numbers are drawn randomly, however, my geometric chart is to segregate those winning numbers that can be tracked and traced by patterns and shapes. Seeing is believing, pictures tell thousands of words. Lottery industry have a big market and this geometric chart is to help those 4D enthusiasts to achieve their dreams and improve their financial situations. It works wonders in Malaysia and Singapore. Winning 4D numbers using this chart is based on skills and techniques rather than pure smart luck.
On April 21st, he sent me a message saying that his friend won the first prize in 4D lottery here in Singapore using the chart. I attached the winning ticket here and just check the date and winning numbers on the website if they match ;-).
Friday, 20 April 2012
My First Automatic Writing
Well, I have been receiving nudges and signs to write. I went to a Master Teaching's Class yesterday and had some energy cleansing. It has been in my mind to create a website community about light beings who are already remembering who they really are and those who are seeking for light. Today, I went for a grocery and here was this nudge inside of me to just take a seat for a while and start writing in a notepad. So, here it is... my very first..
Our connections are getting bigger and bigger for the very first time again after eons of time. We are all aligning, integrating and co-creating our mission in your planet. Everything is where it should be right now and there is no turning back. Everything will be smooth and easy as we wait for the coming of our brothers and sister in light. Rejoice Dear Ones! You are all going and on your way home! Trust yourselves and the powers that you possess inside of you. Listen to your hearts because it is the portal of your connection to us. It is a magnificent time to feel our energies and the outpouring of love in your entire planet. Please know that we were present and we were with you since the time of Creation and this is the NOW time/moment to remember our mission and take them into action. We are so very proud of all of you. Look for our signs and sightings everywhere and know that we are present.
We Are The Galactic Federation of Light
Dancing With the Higher Realm
I was guided to write this post, not just for myself but also to lift your spirits up at this very important time in the history of mankind. As you all know Gaia is shifting and we are all affected by this shift whether we like it or not and it's very very important to have faith in ourselves and to stay positive because this is the time that thoughts happen very very quickly. There were a lot of issues that need to settle down at the beginning of this year and it was a dilemma to me on how to stay positive. I meet and interact with a lot of people at work and dealing with them can sometimes be draining especially handling complaints. After my awakening, so many things came up to me and one of the techniques that I discovered in shifting your mood is this:
Imagine a HUGE garden in your mind, with waterfalls and all that, or you can create a setting similar from the movie "AVATAR". Put everything that you want in there, invite everyone, including your family, friends even your enemies and all the people that you encounter (depending on your preference).
With me I imagine a garden with waterfalls, crystals, diamonds, a sky raining with gold dusts and I invite all the Ascended Masters that I know, the elementals, angels and archangels, and of course, the animals. (Don't get me wrong I am not a religious person, being religious is the exact opposite of being spiritual and I consider myself the latter). Just so you know, these beings are always with us especially the angels, just that they do not interfere in our lives if we do not call upon them because they respect our own freewill but calling them would surely expedite all the things that we want to manifest in our lives and would change the way we see outside in a more positive way.
And mind you, they love MUSIC and DANCE!!! I imagine Jesus Christ in his usual white robe dancing to the tune of "Low Low Low", Archangel Michael wearing a gladiator costume with his blue sword dancing to the tune of "Party Rock", Shiva dancing a Shakira tune and of course Lord Maitraya (laughing buddha) doing a belly dance. This scene makes me giggle and sometimes makes me laugh to myself making me worry-free and makes me feel younger. Aside from this, I also put in the scene my whole family or anyone around me, including the beggar that I encounter or anyone that comes my vicinity. This scene makes me feel like I am watching a bollywood movie in my head..hehehe. Sometimes my colleagues would wonder why I am smiling alone, to me it doesn't matter what other people think as long as I am happy and grateful for this wonderful journey. I hope I touched even a single soul with this message. Please know that we are all responsible for our own choices of life that we create. Choose JOY, LOVE, PEACE, HEALTH and ABUNDANCE.
My deep gratitude to BDevine (you are my mentor), Cassandra (my sister), Dr. Hicks and many others who cross my path.
~Much Love~
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Who is Marylou
I am a highly spiritual being who has been called to help the planet earth on its shift. A very curious human being who began awakening after several or many hurts and pains and dramas in the past.
I was born in the Philippines to a humble family with one sibling. I lived in an extended family together with my Aunts and Uncles. They brought me up in a very strict Roman Catholic views and wasn't allowed to to speak up what I really wanted to say when I was a child so I kept hiding all my feelings within me. I didn't realise that hiding so many words within me would need so many clearing and healing! Growing up with my parents working abroad wasn't easy. I've been to addiction on cigarette and cutting classes that made me spent 5 years in college. One day, I realised that my life wasn't going nowhere so I asked God to send me someone who will accept me and give my life direction. The same day that I met a man in the bus. He took good care of me like no other man would so I believed that he was real. As a woman, you would never expect nor doubt his sincerity because he gives time and gives everything. I thought the relationship was gorgeous even though we are apart at times because I am working abroad too. But after 9 years in a relationship, I found out that he's been living with another woman for 5 years and they have a child. Luckily, I was in Singapore when I found out so it wasn't much impact on me. While living here in Singapore, I had a relationship with my best friend but it didn't work out very well too. He's working in a club so he comes home drunk every other day and late hours in the morning without me knowing where he goes after work. We were always fighting because of this scenario until one day I began asking myself, " Do I deserve to be treated like this?" ..."Why am I in this relationship?". I believe the universe provides everything that we need and in this time of questioning, a colleague taught me some breathing techniques to balance mental and emotional clarity. I was doing this almost everyday for me not to feel the hurt too much. I also began meditating at night before I go to bed and wakes up with amazing energy. This was the start of my awakening until such time that he just left me without saying a word. Instead of feeling sad, I felt a sense of freedom that I have never felt before in my entire life. It was the very first time that I felt home within me and the rest is history....
Monday, 16 April 2012
My 20 Awakening Symptoms
- Increased sense of awareness of smell, sight and sound.
- Speaking up the mind, not worrying what others might think or react.
- Got job promotion.
- People, places and things that don't serve your higher purpose seem to leave you or just fade away from your vision.
- Looking at other people with pure love, no status, no ego, only pure oneness.
- Appreciating the surroundings like never before, the birds, the trees the moon and the sun seem to be very beautiful for the first time.
- Realising that there isn't really a religion at all, that we all came from one source and religion was created by others who wanted control by inflicting fear over humanity.
- Realising that thoughts are physical. Starting to monitor thought patterns and staying positive.
- Manifesting what I create in my mind very easily.
- Having a child-like wonder, staying very happy within the heart and always smiling.
- Eyes were opening wider and looked clearer.
- Not affected by dramas and events that are happening around you.
- Choosing how to react and act at any given situation.
- Feeling so light! Realising that everything is easy and the world is abundant.
- Knowing that everything you need and want will be given with ease on perfect divine timings.
- Knowing that everything that comes to you has its purpose, whether a thing, a person or a place.
- Realising that you are not just a physical body with a soul, you are a soul living in a physical plane and we are all light beings who have come to this planet for a purpose/ mission.
- Not scared of death, knowing that a spirit never dies.
- Realising that fear is just an illusion that we inflict in our minds. Knowing that the self is separated from the mind.
- Looking at things with different perspective, not going back to old patterns, knowing that everything and anything is possible.
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Source: lockerz.com via Mary on Pinterest